Golf DFS Optimal Lineup
Locked Players 0
Excluded Players Excl. Players 0
  • FanDuel
Game Type
  • Cash Game/H2H
  • GPP & Tournaments
  • 2025-02-13: The Genesis Invitational
  • Full
  • Weekend
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Customized Optimal Lineup

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This is where it all comes together. Based on the tools we've given you, hopefully you've chosen a few players you like, a few players you don't, and maybe even a few teams you want to stay away from. We'll take all of this information and form an optimized lineup for you, filling in the gaps with players that will give you the best chance of winning.

If you like what you see, you can save it and even get some comments on it from other numberFire members. If you don't, no problem - you can add players, remove players, and have it generate again.

Make sure you choose what type of game you plan to enter in the settings on the left. Strategy for a cash game (head-to-head or 50/50) is much different from a tournament or GPP. In tournaments, with a bigger field, you must be a lot more risky. Our tournament optimizer values risk to try to give your lineup the best upside, whereas the cash optimizer will maximize your expected total.

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Golf DFS Optimal Lineup
Locked Players 0
Excluded 0
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