NBA Playoff Race Update: The Utah Jazz Continue to Rise

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Western Conference - Dead or Dying

(11) Los Angeles Lakers (31-37, 0.0%)
(12) Dallas Mavericks (22-46, eliminated)
(13) Sacramento Kings (22-47, eliminated)
(14) Phoenix Suns (19-51, eliminated)
(15) Memphis Grizzlies (18-50, eliminated)

The Mavericks, Kings, Suns, and Grizzlies were all statistically eliminated from playoff contention this week, but they were all realistically out of the hunt months ago if we're being honest.

The Lakers, meanwhile, have been red hot as of late, winning 8 of their last 11. They surely aren't going to turn around that negligible 0.0% chance of making the postseason, but they're essentially in a different class than the other teams in this tier even if they all have a lack of postseason hope in common.